Jimmie Hunt

Специален гост на събитието. Professional basketball player and professional trainer.

Jimmie Hunt

Последвай Jimmie

The Coach You Choose Should Know How to Shoot the Ball!

Coach J has worked with many players, both boys and girls from the lower grades through high school and college, on the fundamentals of Basketball.

Im very impressed and happy with the kettle bell. It’s such a variety a different exercises to do with it, that target many different parts of the body. I especially like with certain exercises the focus and balance needed. It really helps alot with a sport like basketball.

We need to be able to do many different moves while keeping our balance, and strength. Also with kettle bell trainings, you use different muscles and you need a type of rhythm to perform full exercises. This is great for full body workouts.

Последвай го във фейсбук, инстаграм или посети сайта: Master the Fundamentals of Basketball with Jimmie Hunt.